Archive for the Uncategorized Category

this is what is wrong with America.

Posted in laugh, liberty, odd, personal, things that piss me off, total bat shit crazy, Uncategorized with tags , , on January 23, 2009 by fresnel

I am all for compassion. I am all for protecting the little guy. but seriously, This is friggin’ ridiculous.

If your precious little snowflake is on a basketball team that loses 100-0… maybe they need to find a different sport. OR…. maybe you need to take the parenting moment for what it is. explain that sometimes, other people are just flat out better than you at various tasks. Explain that life is not fair. You WILL be crushed at some point, by someone, who flat out takes joy in doing so.

Dallas academy’s coach  JEREMY CIVELLO needs to turn in his man card and ask his wife to pull his balls out of the jar she is keeping them in for his whining about the loss. at least one of his team members gets it

“Even if you are losing, you might as well keep playing,” said Shelby Hyatt, a freshman on the team. “Keep trying, and it’s going to be OK.”

she gets it. keep moving forward. keep trying. THAT kid is gonna go far in life, not in spite of … but BECAUSE she has been on the bad side of this experience.

NOW… because of all the bitching from adults, the school who won is offering to forfeit the game because they see it as somehow disgraceful. This is ALSO the wrong message to send these kids. It is punishing excellence.It is telling them that by simply being better… WAY better than the other team that there is something wrong with them. talk about being 180 degrees out of phase.

I refer to our friends at PIXAR for guidance on this issue…. they got it right. with 2 different movies.

yeah, I know they made Dash hold back when he played sports, but the whole movie was an affirmation of praising real talent.

the greatest song ever.

Posted in Uncategorized on January 12, 2009 by fresnel

I have always loved this country. NOW, I am proud of it again.

Posted in barrack obama, family, freedom, fun, help this brother out, liberty, personal, poetry, political, something to smile about, Uncategorized, will-your-vote-count on November 5, 2008 by fresnel

I never thought i would see this day. this night is as important as any revolution in any country around the world. it is a wholesale rejection of the failed policies of the past nearly 30 years. Reagan’s “Revolution” pushed this country down a path of askewed values, war mongering, and raw greed. That is now dead. it died at 11pm eastern time 11-4-08 when the polls closed in the western states.


Also what died tonight is pessimism. sure, it may be resurrected at some point in the future, but for now, we have an opportunity to move this country forward, to rebuild our status around the world, and to finally, FINALLY heal the wounds of our past. it is no small point of symbolism to have a black man as our new president. it is a tribute. a tribute to what CAN be achieved in this country.

there are no longer any excuses. now we must get to work.


My oldest daughters 15th birthday is January 20th. I have a feeling that i know where we will be.

sometimes you gotta do… whatcha gotta do.

Posted in blue care network, career, Debbie Schlussel, family, forums, freedom, hughes, Hughes Sullivan, liberty, personal, political, racist pig, The Hughes Sullivan Show, things that piss me off, total bat shit crazy, Uncategorized on October 7, 2008 by fresnel

I had taken down a post about a trip we took in june by request of a friend and business associate because we were being harassed by Debbie Schlussel…  she was calling me a porn peddler… and attempted to publicly “expose” me on a chat board I am a frequent contributor to. Her intent was to damage me as a person, and to cost me money. she succeeded. Good job Debbie hope your proud. Did you happen to read the entire blog see that I am a father of 4 girls? Did you see that I have a very healthy and vibrant relationship with my wife of 14 years, who also happens to be my high school sweetheart (been together 20 years now)? How about the part where I railed against an insurance company defining the extraction of my dead son from my wife’s body this past February as an “abortion”?  nope… all you saw were pictures, took them out of context and called me a smut peddler.

Nice to see that you can read in context.

why did you do this? oooh… it is because I called you out on being a racist and a fraud. I called you a C*@T (didn’t even spell it out, but you obviously have heard a word aimed at you that contained those 2 letters before, and assumed i was calling you something specific).  A single word… not even spelled out from me on an anonymous chat board (you as a public figure are open to public criticism btw….) sent you into such a rage that you found it necessary to try and destroy my work and a project that I poured blood, sweat and tears into. kinda proves that you just might ACTUALLY be that word that upset you so doesn’t it?

the post that so offended you is now back up.

Enjoy it.

Being a lawyer,you may at the same time want to look up some legal terms. One in particular would be Tortious interference.

fear and loathing at the border – or – how the terrorists have won.

Posted in family, freedom, liberty, political, the insanity of war, things that piss me off, total bat shit crazy, Uncategorized on June 24, 2008 by fresnel

the fam and I made our yearly pilgrimage to the land of molson, time horton’s, and fabulous maple in order to watch large projectiles explode over the river. we always go over to windsor, for several reasons.

#1. big clean park – we usually go to riverside park and make a day of it. there is a great playground, clean restrooms(not port-a-potty’s) and tons of kids… they have a blast. this year, our second daughter’s best friend invited her to her birthday party at her parents second house in Windsor. we went to Dieppe park after a nice BBQ… birthday cake afterword. it was a great time.

#2. Kate’s entire family on her mothers side is Canadian.

#3. I like watching the fireworks with Detroit’s skyline as the backdrop… instead of the rather drab Windsor skyline (who REEEEALLY wants their eyes to be abused by the large neon “ceasars” sign ?).

the crossing from the U.S. to Canada was great. the border guard was polite, and even funny. a FABULOUS experience.

on the way back it was a different story.

we were at the party til a bit after 12, so traffic was no issue. the line in the tunnel was minimal and all was good. got waved into the outside lane by the guy directing the traffic, and the line was moving pretty good. we get up to the post 911 technofest that is now the fotomat booth that the homeland security folk call an office. now, I have been going back and forth between detroit and windsor since I was 19 and used to go there to drink. it has always been the same conversation on the way back. usually a pretty dapper and well together suburban looking lady/gentleman asking – proof of citizenship?anything to declare? reason for visit? and have a good day. not this time.

first, the bag of douche that was in the booth had a thick european accent…. germanic … did he ask for proof of citizenship? nope. there was no greeting (even though I greeted him with a solid “hello!”). just “roll down that rear window”and “may I see your documents ” …. our DOCUMENTS? what the fuck? was I trying to go home to the U.S.A or a day trip into East Germany?

continuing the story….

so, we give him our stuff… and he asks if we have anything to declare, or if we are carrying anything over the border, I tell him “nothing but our personal effects we brought with us” then he asks what the nature of our trip was. I tell him ” to go to a birthday party and watch the fireworks with some friends” he asks “how do you know these “friends” …. I was a bit taken back by this question. first … how the fuck is that his business?  we explain it to this bag of douche that it was the second house of one of our childrens best friends. he then asks again…. “how do you know these people?” I explain to him again that our daughter goes to school with the girl, and that they have 2 homes… also that the daughter in question was also spenfing the night over there.. after some more incredulous words hes states “here are your papers” in his thick german accent, and we drive off with a bit of haste. incredibly bad taste in my mouth.

what the hell has happened to us as a country? didnt we used to condemn eastern block countries for this EXACT behavior? yeah, I believe we did.

game over…. our liberties are all but gone…. terrorists win.

now, here are some pretty pictures of the fireworks.

new hobby….

Posted in cars, fun, laugh, odd, personal, poetry, something to smile about, Uncategorized on June 18, 2008 by fresnel

I have a new hobby, ?I didn’t realize it was a hobby until I started doing it more frequently…. now I am addicted.

what exactly is this hobby? no, its not changing greggsfats insipid comments to something far more entertaining, it is taking pictures of vanity license plates that either baffle me, or make me laugh.

here are a couple of examples…

as you can see, this fella “LUVSNO2”. what the hell does that mean? is he a scat fanatic? or just an assman?

ok… this picture actually kinda sucks… because I think the guy realized I was trying to take a picture of his plate. he hit the right peddle to the floor, but the plate made me giggle. on this pretty yellow hummer with tons of accessories… the plate?


good to see he has a sense of humor… kinda like the kid who was walking back to his stalled truck, gas can in hand a little further up the road with a “I ♥ CUNT” t-shirt on. total class.

memorial day

Posted in family, freedom, fun, liberty, music, personal, poetry, political, something to smile about, spiritual, the insanity of war, Uncategorized on May 26, 2008 by fresnel

below is the color guard from todays parade here in Waterford. oddly, again…. no poppies to be seen.

deacon, for you …. and for all those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae
on a lighter note… here is my daughters junior high band marching… she plays bass clarinet.

yes, that is the lovely kate in the lower right hand corner taking a picture with her phone….

gotta love the vintage “crossroads BMX” shirt that she found in an old stash of mine… I won it about 25 years ago….

why….. oh dear lord…. why…

Posted in cars, fun, laugh, odd, things that piss me off, total bat shit crazy, Uncategorized on April 29, 2008 by fresnel

As I have mentioned here before, I am a car guy. I LOVE just about anything with a motor that goes fast. that being said, I am not a fan of ricer cars, nor am I a fan of mullet mobiles… so, imagine my disgust when I came across this Camaro yesterday on the way home from recording some more stuff for our boy Maceri.

now, look at that…. this guy obviously knows that dragons like to mate with cars, so he is trying to entice them bad boys to his hot and open tale pipe….. that is the ONLY possible reason for this abortion of a graphic. I mean, I can understand it on an Asian vehicle, but this is raw Detroit iron worthy of a billy ray cyrus hairdo and trailer park girls lining up for miles. the #3 is a nice touch…. I am certain ole Dale would love the tribute.

but, no… that was not all… take a look at this..

Look at that… he has a “RACING” sticker…. not that he is Identifying any particular team. well, except the Redwings, but I am certain he would be slammed into the boards by any member of the team that saw the ‘ole winged wheel on this abomination.

Possibly the most hilarious part of the car isn’t actually on it, though all the signs are there…. take a look at the rear spoiler…. obviously the factory designed original was not enough for this man, because it you look closely… there are mounts for a big ass ricer wing….

ladies… please… if you see this man on the street… laugh at him, mock him, and do not EVER let him breed….

maceri – breathe you in

Posted in Uncategorized on April 3, 2008 by fresnel

live at the emerald ballroom

Vodpod videos no longer available. from posted with vodpod

maceri – Miss You

Posted in Uncategorized on April 3, 2008 by fresnel

live at the emerald

Vodpod videos no longer available. from posted with vodpod